Pride David, a Senior Media Communications major, was recently invited to speak on a panel at the FOSI Conference in Washington, D.C. on November 13th, 2023. FOSI is the Family Online Safety Institute which "is an international, non-profit organization which works to make the online world safer for kids and their families" stated on their website.
The panel Pride was invited to speak on was titled "Listen Up: What Young People Want from Platforms, Policymakers & Parents." The description from states "Youth voices are essential in the development of products and services, butt they are often overlooked. Additionally, policymakers often forget the rights of youth when they are proposing legislation. Parents report feeling overwhelmed and recognize that their kids often know more than they do about navigating technology. This panel of young people shared their personal experiences with technology, their thoughts on how industry and policymakers can ensure that youth voices are consistently included in the conversation, and the role that parents and educators play in all of this."
Watch the panel discussion below. What questions does this raise for you and how you see digital legislation being made?