Excellent Educational Preparation for Careers or Future Study in
The Arts Academy's highly qualified staff prepares our students for both college and career readiness, with excellence in both the Arts and Academics. Visit the Guidance Department page for more detailed information.
Our current students continue to exceed NYS targets for academic performance, produce award-winning visual artwork, participate in All-County Music Festival, perform with the Buffalo Philharmonic, win entry to many film festivals, and attend the NYS Summer School for the Arts. All students are exposed to multiple guest artists and are challenged with professional level curriculum and training. The school is presently partnered with many outside organizations who support our rigorous curriculum. These partnership allow our students to be involved within our community. Many of our outside organizations focus on integrating the various arts experiences as well as helping discover and develop their artistic talents. We support and nurture our students continued growth through these programs.
Programs of Study and Admissions
The Arts Academy has six (6) distinctive major areas of study: Music (Vocal and Instrumental), Dance, Theatre, Visual Arts, Technical Theatre, and Media Communications (TV & Film). The Arts Academy requires that all students audition in their artistic area and formally submit an application through the district to include: academic records, testing information, and a letter of recommendation. Auditions are held in the fall of each year for admission the following September.
Advanced Placement Courses and Accelerated Courses
The Arts Academy offers Advanced Placement courses in the following areas: Literature and Composition, Language and Composition, World History, U.S. History, Biology, Spanish, Art History, Studio in Art, and Music Theory. All students are encouraged to complete at least one (1) Advanced Placement course prior to graduation. Students in Grade 8 may choose to enroll in accelerated high school courses including Algebra and Living Environment.
Electives - All students are encouraged to pursue courses outside of their major area of study to enrich their experience at the Arts Academy. Electives include but are not limited to: Keyboarding, Career & Financial Management, Digital Photography, Design/Draw for Production, Studio in Media Arts, African American History, Independent Living, Sports Business Management, College Transition, Business Communications, AP Computer Science Principles (Math Course), STEM/WozEd and Studio in Art.
Grading System
A- Excellent 92 – 100 3.50 – 4.00
B- Above Average 83 – 91 2.65 – 3.49
C- Average 82 – 74 1.90 – 2.64
D- Below Average 65 – 73 1.05 – 1.89
F- Failure 64 or Below 0.00- 1.04
Advanced Placement Courses are weighted 1.1%
GPA's are calculated by averaging the courses students took in grades 9 through 11, including summer school.
We do not calculate class rank.